Terms and Conditions

The­se Gene­ral Terms and Con­di­ti­ons app­ly when pla­cing an order / regis­tering a cour­se with Lettering Adventures (a con­tract is con­clu­ded in accordance with Art. 394ff. of the Swiss Code of Obli­ga­ti­ons (OR)) and for every order pla­ced with Lettering Adventures. Vali­di­ty: from July 2019.

Lettering Adventures c/o Works Design, Stauf­fa­cher­stras­se 178, 8004 Zurich, Switz­er­land – her­ein­af­ter refer­red to as “Lettering Adventures”

Mana­ging direc­tor: Fran­zis­ka Hoch­u­li, fran­zis­ka.hochuli@worksdesign.ch

  1. Order content

The cli­ent com­mis­si­ons Lettering Adventures to car­ry out the joint­ly defi­ned design, con­sul­ting and trai­ning activities.
Lettering Adventures acts as a free­lan­cer for the cli­ent. An employ­ment rela­ti­ons­hip is not estab­lis­hed. Lettering Adventures takes care of tax and social secu­ri­ty issu­es as well as busi­ness regis­tra­ti­on itself.
Lettering Adventures is free to work for other cli­ents as well.

  1. Pro­vi­si­on of services

Lettering Adventures is free to accept or reject the client’s orders. For the cli­ent, this con­tract does not estab­lish any obli­ga­ti­on to place orders.
Lettering Adventures may also use a third par­ty for the ful­film­ent of the orders. Howe­ver, Lettering Adventures remains respon­si­ble to the cli­ent for the pro­per per­for­mance of the con­trac­tu­al service.
Lettering Adventures is not sub­ject to any right of inst­ruc­tion or direc­tion vis-à-vis the cli­ent; howe­ver, it must obser­ve the tech­ni­cal spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons of the cli­ent to the extent that this is requi­red for the pro­per exe­cu­ti­on of the contract.
Lettering Adventures is in the choice of place and time of its acti­vi­ty for the cli­ent. Lettering Adventures uses its own infra­st­ruc­tu­re. The manage­ment of the cli­ent is regu­lar­ly infor­med about the sta­tus of the activities.
After suc­cess­ful regis­tra­ti­on for a cour­se offe­red by Lettering Adventures, Lettering Adventures is respon­si­ble for the pro­per exe­cu­ti­on of the boo­ked course.

2.1 Work­shop pla­ces and con­duc­tion of the workshops
In order to be able to con­duct the work­shops under opti­mal con­di­ti­ons, we defi­ne a mini­mum and maxi­mum num­ber of par­ti­ci­pants for each work­shop. Work­shop pla­ces will be allo­ca­ted in the order in which regis­tra­ti­ons are recei­ved (sub­ject to time­ly pay­ment). If the num­ber of par­ti­ci­pants is insuf­fi­ci­ent, the cour­se will gene­ral­ly not be held and the cour­se fee will be wai­ved or refunded.
If the­re is a shor­ta­ge of par­ti­ci­pants in a class, it may hap­pen in indi­vi­du­al cases that we con­duct the cour­se sub­ject to the con­sent of the cour­se par­ti­ci­pants, but incre­a­se the cour­se fee accord­in­gly or, if it makes sen­se, redu­ce the num­ber of cour­se hours at the same price.

2.2 Work­shop exclusion
Lettering Adventures reser­ves the right to exclu­de one or more cour­se par­ti­ci­pants from a work­shop. In the fol­lowing cases, the ent­i­re cour­se fee is due, i.e. the­re will be neit­her a pro­por­tio­nal refund nor a wai­ver of the cour­se fee: Cour­se exclu­si­on due to non-pay­ment of the cour­se fee as well as in serious cases (defa­ma­ti­on, harass­ment, inten­tio­nal dama­ge to pro­per­ty, etc.).

2.3 Can­cel­la­ti­ons
Every regis­tra­ti­on is bin­ding. Depen­ding on the time of can­cel­la­ti­on, we can wai­ve the cour­se fee in who­le or in part. Plea­se note the fol­lowing regulations:
In this case we need a writ­ten can­cel­la­ti­on from you. The date of rece­i­pt will be the post­mark of your let­ter. The wai­ver or refund of your cour­se fee is regu­la­ted as follows:

Time of cancellations Can­cel­la­ti­on fee
Up to 30 calen­dar days befo­re the start of the workshop: CHF 30.00 Pro­ces­sing fee
From 29 to 10 calen­dar days befo­re the start of the workshop: 30 % of the work­shop fee, but max. CHF 500.
From 10 calen­dar days until one day befo­re the work­shop starts: 80 % of the work­shop fee
After the begin oft workshop: No wai­ver or refund of the work­shop fee.

2.4 Unat­ten­ded lesson.
Unat­ten­ded les­sons can­not be made up for and will not be refunded.

2.5 Pro­gram­me and pri­ce changes
Pro­gram­me and pri­ce chan­ges as well as chan­ges in the gene­ral terms and con­di­ti­ons remain reserved.

  1. Ser­vices of Lettering Adventures

Lettering Adventures defi­nes the form, con­tent and perio­di­ci­ty of the docu­ments and reports requi­red for the cooperation.

3.1 Insuran­ce
For all work­shops and events orga­ni­zed by Lettering Adventures we exclu­de any lia­bi­li­ty for dama­ges. You are respon­si­ble for your own insuran­ce coverage.

  1. Remuneration

Lettering Adventures char­ges the cli­ent for the work per­for­med at the agreed hour­ly rate (regu­lar hour­ly rate CHF 160/h) or the flat rate offe­red. The offer accep­ted by the cli­ent applies.
Lettering Adventures assu­res the cli­ent that the fee is the sole source of inco­me for the pro­vi­si­on of the con­trac­tu­al services.
Addi­tio­nal­ly agreed work, pro­jects, fee-based data pro­cu­re­ment, out-of-pocket expen­ses will be char­ged sepa­r­ate­ly on a case-by-case basis accord­ing to pri­or cost agree­ment with the client.
The cli­ent recei­ves a detail­ed invoice at the end of each mon­th of the pro­ject or after suc­cess­ful boo­king of a cour­se. Pay­ment is made with a pay­ment peri­od of 10 days.

4.1 Pay­ment of the cour­se fee

The oral or writ­ten regis­tra­ti­on obli­ges you to pay the cour­se fee. The cour­se fee must be paid at least 10 days befo­re the start of the cour­se. Fail­u­re to pay the cour­se fee will not be con­si­de­red a cancellation.

  1. Secrecy, copy­rights and rights of use (copy­right)

Lettering Adventures (incl. employees) under­ta­kes to tre­at all busi­ness tran­sac­tions wit­hin the scope of this order as con­fi­den­ti­al at all times, even bey­ond the end of the contract.
The use of copy­rights and rights of use (without third par­ties) for all rele­vant media, com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on chan­nels and adver­ti­sing media in Switz­er­land and abroad will be trans­fer­red by Lettering Adventures to the cli­ent during the term of the con­tract and com­pen­sa­ted with the fee.

5.1 Deli­very of documents

Lettering Adventures will return all docu­ments han­ded over to it in con­nec­tion with its acti­vi­ties for the cli­ent (inclu­ding all pass­words, acces­ses,…) immedia­te­ly after ter­mi­na­ti­on of this con­tract. It is not enti­t­led to a right of retention.

  1. Pri­va­cy policy

Lettering Adventures pro­ces­ses the data that you give us when pla­cing an order, regis­tering, con­duc­ting a work­shop or other cir­cum­s­tan­ces (e.g. events), or that we recei­ve or have pre­vious­ly recei­ved from you in this con­text, with the grea­test care and in accordance with the rules of Swiss data pro­tec­tion. The detail­ed data pro­tec­tion decla­ra­ti­on can be found here: https://letteringadventures.ch/privacypolicy/

  1. Dura­ti­on of con­tract, place of per­for­mance and place of jurisdiction

The con­tract comes into for­ce upon pla­cing the order and upon suc­cess­ful regis­tra­ti­on for a Lettering Adventures cour­se. It is limi­ted to the dura­ti­on of the ful­film­ent of the order or until the end of the cour­se. For orders the­re is a mutu­al, writ­ten, 3‑month peri­od of noti­ce (in each case on the last working day of the month).

Swiss law app­lies to all legal rela­ti­ons­hips with Lettering Adventures. Place of juris­dic­tion is Zurich, Switzerland.