About me


My name is Fran­zis­ka Hoch­u­li, I am the owner of Works Gra­phic Design (www.worksgraphicdesign.ch) an lettering adventures. It is lovely that you visit my website.

Ever­ything accord­ing to the manu­al and pre­cise, as if drawn with a ruler? This is cer­tain­ly important else­whe­re and influ­en­ces my work as a gra­phic desi­gner. Howe­ver, let­ters drawn, writ­ten and pain­ted by hand are much more alive.

Working with pens, pen and ink is com­ple­men­ta­ry to designing with the aid of a com­pu­ter. The joy to be had from dif­fe­rent wri­ting tools, the smell of ink and colour and the dif­fe­rent hap­tics of the paper are part of the fasci­na­ti­on of handlettering.

Gra­phic design has fasci­na­ted me all my life. After my appren­ti­ce­ship as a gra­phic desi­gner, I stu­di­ed at the Lon­don Col­le­ge of Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and gra­dua­ted with a Bachelor’s degree in Gra­phic Design. I then spent 15 years with major agen­ci­es such as Wirz and Pro­cess. Sin­ce 2008 I have had my own com­pa­ny Works Design and sin­ce 2016 I have also been invol­ved as an exami­ner in the Can­ton of Zurich for the final exams of gra­phic appren­ti­ces.