Hand­lettering Fun with ink and colour

Wel­co­me to Lettering Adventures.

Indi­vi­du­al hand­wri­ting fasci­na­tes and evo­kes emo­ti­ons. Hand­lettering descri­bes the skill of wri­ting let­ters, words and short texts indi­vi­du­al­ly by hand. The style chan­ges depen­ding on the “tool” used (wri­ting uten­sil and background).
Would you like to learn or deepen your hand­let­ting skills? Essen­ti­al is your desi­re to crea­te and to enjoy a rela­xed activity.

Share my pas­si­on for hand wri­ting and crea­ti­vi­ty. I am loo­king for­ward to you!

A post­card set for the annu­al event “VFU­lab” of the Asso­cia­ti­on of Women’s Enterprises
The six texts were writ­ten in dif­fe­rent lettering tech­ni­ques, beau­ti­ful­ly prin­ted, with ban­de­ro­le and eti­quet­te in the “goo­dy-bag” at the event of Sep­tem­ber 24, 2019 in Zurich, Switz­er­land. A char­ming remin­der that des­pi­te incre­a­sing digi­ta­liz­a­ti­on, things made by hand are not only a beau­ti­ful con­trast, but also com­pli­men­ta­ry. Who would­n’t be hap­py recei­ving a postcard?

worksdesign.ch, vfulab.frauenunternehmen.ch

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I cele­bra­ted my com­pa­ny anni­ver­s­a­ry of Works Design in a gre­at way. All texts for the card, the email sen­der and the give-away were writ­ten / drawn by hand. This not only was much fun during designing, but also plea­sed my cus­to­mers and friends when receiving.

The cards and the teato­wels were pro­du­ced in Nel­la Lombardi’s screen prin­ting stu­dio (www.misslombardi.com).

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An occa­si­on does not always have to be spe­cial for hand­lettering to fit. The card gree­tings and email attach­ments sim­ply give joy.

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Wri­ting with a poin­ted nib, fun – but it takes patience …

Lettering can also be done with a simp­le flat painter’s brush from the hard­ware store and nor­mal acry­lic paint.